Выпуск 231
Лаборатория Наномир
Когда реальность открывает тайны,
уходят в тень и
меркнут чудеса ...
e_t: Я написал доктору Bergman еще 19 Апреля со своего университетского e-mail'a (чтобы письмо не попало в спам, и чтобы на него обратили внимание и ответили). вот его есть смысл опубликовать сдесь. ответа кстати нет до сих пор...
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from: xxxxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxx@uregina.ca>
to: Yehudit Bergman <yberg@md.huji.ac.il>
date: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 1:39 AM
subject: aging of mice experiments
Dr. Bergman,
my name is xxxxxxxxxxx, and I am graduate student at the University of Regina.
recently came across some interesting allegations from one Russian
professor in regards to your paper on the liver regeneration in pregnant
I am not sure whether those allegations are correct or not -
that's what I want to ask you about. Do you think the following makes
The allegations are as follows:
(a) there were experiments conducted at the National Institute of Gerontology in Kiev, where the blood circulatory systems of pairs of young and old mice were joined together in an attempt to check if the blood of the young mouse can rejuvenate the old one; however, what was found that the old mouse was not rejuvenated (which seems contrary to: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v4 … 03260.html -- my comment), but the young one aged increasingly fast; later, the blood circulatory systems were disconnected, and the aged young mice rejuvenated back to their biological age;
(b) from this observation, it may be theorized that the aging is a programmed phenomenon (agents in the blood of an old mouse programmed the age of the young one);
(c) it follows from your paper (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20231314) that pregnant mouse experiences the rejuvenation, which might mean that placenta is producing some kind of hormone or a combination of hormones that reset/turn back the "biological clock"/age;
(d) if placenta would not produce some kind of hormone or a combination of hormones that reset/turn back the "biological clock"/age of the mother, the fetus during the development period might suffer an effects of increased/fast aging, which conclusion follows from the experiment described in (a), because mother and child/fetus have the same blood circulatory system as two mice - young one and old one - connected together;
(e) if an experiment described in (a) would be replicated, and another experiment would be performed - the blood circulatory systems of [pairs of] young and old mice would be joined together, simultaneously impregnating both mice [in each pair] - and in this new experiment it would be found that young mice do not increasingly age even when their blood circulation systems are joined to the old mice, that would mean that the mechanism of aging in the old mice is disabled by pregnancy [- most probably by some kind of placenta-produced hormone(s)].
Does it make sense, or are there pitfalls somewhere?
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видите, я написал это письмо с целью проверки того как вообще она
отнесется к этой идее. Адресат как раз и есть одним из авторов статьи
которую вы цитировали в переводе выше.
Я уже не graduate student как сказано в письме, но пускай она думает что я graduate student - так будет меньше вопросов.
ссылки по теме:
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v4 … 4468b.html -- Regenerative biology: Pregnancy boosts repair
… Nature.pdf -- -//-
http://www.the-scientist.com/blog/display/57219/ -- Pregnancy helps liver?
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v4 … 03260.html -- Rejuvenation of aged progenitor cells by exposure to a young systemic environment
-- Pregnancy restores the regenerative capacity of the aged liver via
activation of an mTORC1-controlled hyperplasia/hypertrophy switch
http://www.flickr.com/photos/25451173@N08/4459135893/ -- Prof. Yehudit Bergman from the Hebrew University
http://www.flickr.com/photos/25451173@N … otostream/ -- Prof. Yehudit Bergman
… ng-process -- Scientists find key to reversing the aging process
Еще одна деталь на которую я обратил внимание:
Кушелев: ...я знаю другой эксперимент, который много лет назад провели в Институте геронтологии НАМН Украины.
Там объединили кровеносные системы старой и молодой крыс в надежде, что старая омолодится за счёт крови молодой.
Но эксперимент показал, что молодая крыса ускоренно состарилась, а старая не изменила возраста совершенно.
e_t: "старая не изменила возраста совершенно"? это противоречит результатам которые вы же сами и цитировали выше:
"...В последнее время удалось доказать, что при подсоединении кровеносной системы старой мыши к кровеносной системе молодой мыши можно восстановить возможность обновления мышц старой мыши..." [ http://www.jewish.ru/news/israel/2010/0 … 283735.php ]
"...To examine the influence of systemic factors on aged progenitor cells from these tissues, we established parabiotic pairings (that is, a shared circulatory system) between young and old mice (heterochronic parabioses), exposing old mice to factors present in young serum. Notably, heterochronic parabiosis restored the activation of Notch signalling as well as the proliferation and regenerative capacity of aged satellite cells. The exposure of satellite cells from old mice to young serum enhanced the expression of the Notch ligand (Delta), increased Notch activation, and enhanced proliferation in vitro. Furthermore, heterochronic parabiosis increased aged hepatocyte proliferation and restored the cEBP-? complex to levels seen in young animals. These results suggest that the age-related decline of progenitor cell activity can be modulated by systemic factors that change with age." [ http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v4 … 03260.html ]
Презентация эксперимента Золдракса (научный вариант)
Оригинал: http://nanoworld.narod.ru/20110501.pptx
Виктория Соколик
Кушелев: По-моему идеально. Все так считают?
Материал с форума лаборатории Наномир:
Кушелев: Методы исследования иммунологические. Биологический возраст будет определяться по популяционной активности лимфоцитов и др. иммунологическим показателям. В письмах, которые я Вам переслал, ведущий специалист Института геронтологии НАМН Украины объясняет, какими методами они пользуются.
Доклад Виктории Соколик на виртуальной конференции
Текст доклада и презентация: